I believe I can achieve anything I want to achieve I just need to put my mind heart and spirit toward what I want to achieve. I have been through a lot as a child that I wish never happened to be and that created stress which in turn caused me to eat. Eating has turned from something you do everyday to an obsession. Must of you know but once you have an obsession it is really hard to give up you may try as hard as you can but sometimes you just need help which I finally got.
I have battled with this obsession longer then I even know. Even with this obsession i have had a lot of anxiety which doesn't help you or anyone around you. Once you get some help and are willing to go through with it you will be a lot more happy then you are at this very moment.
The moral of this story is believe in yourself others may not but all you need to do is believe in yourself. And just remember other people are fighting right beside you keep up the good work achieve your goals and fight hard. God bless you all
Thanks for sharing. You are right we all battle with some problems that seem bigger than us. They key is to keep up the fight.